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Sunday, August 6, 2017

The little things

I've had a great couple days with my daughter. We went school shopping Thursday afternoon & this afternoon I taught her how to make her favorite dinner. She is enjoying learning to be a little independant much to my sadness. I strive to keep these little times in my heart, it wont be long til they're long gone & my kids are off being adults.

As nice as it was to help her learn to make her favorite meal so that some day she can make it for her own family. It was also a tad heartbreaking; she's growing up too fast. It also leaves me with those perilous questions all moms have--what will I do when the kids are grown? Who will I be? So much of who I am is wrapped up around my children who will I be when they are grown &'s a scary thought.

I read an article in The NY Times that has helped me quite a bit to think about what my future may hold when my kids are grown. I literally fear empty nest already.


Alfie Diehl said...

I actually thought about making a blog post with this same exact title. Great job Stacie, I am truly glad that you are in my life. You are a wonderful person and it is great seeing you when I come into school every day. You are full of knowledge and will do great things in your life. Don't worry about your kids growing up and leaving you, you will be just fine and they will be just fine, you are a wonderful role model.

Anonymous said...

little things like that are always the best.

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